暗号通貨の価値を認めますか?/Do I accept the value of cryptocurrencies?

暗号資産 cryptocurrencies




個人的には、現在の暗号通貨の価値の高さを信用していません。一方で、中央銀行がお札を刷り続けて市場に流通させるやり方には、信用できないものがあります。興味深いことに、一部のアーティストはデジタルアート作品をNFT(Non-Fungible Token)と紐づけて、イーサリアムなどの暗号通貨で販売しています。これにより、暗号通貨を使って何かを交換することができるようになるかもしれません。


Do I accept the value of cryptocurrencies?

Simply put , No but I would include them as a part of the assets portfolio.

I like the traditional textbook investment style . Keeping some cash so you can survive certain periods without income. Then I invest a part of my income every month to the investment trusts linked to the stock index, foreign exchange MMF and the Gold and Platinum

Personally I don’t trust the high value of cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, I don’t trust the credibility of the central bank because of the way they keep printing bills and distributing them to markets. Interestingly some artists sell their digital art work with NFT (Non-Fungible Token) by cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. It might give usability of cryptocurrencies to exchange some things.

I am skeptical about this form of modern alchemy. But that said it is worth it to invest and use my money and time to understand this magic.

作成者: Shiro-T

田永志朗 (Shiro-T)。元バックパッカー、現メーカーでファイナンス、たまに寄稿。欧州、旅とビールについて。目標は次世代CFO。ドイツ在住。/Shiro Tanaga (Shiro-T), a Japanese Ex backpacker now Finance Specialist and writer in Germany.