インド滞在中、喧騒から離れてインド人、世界中の人たちダンスや瞑想を楽しめるエコビレッジがデリー郊外にあります。その名もZorba the Budda。
There is a nice Eco village located just suburb of Delhi to enjoy dances and meditation with people from all over the world. The name is Zorba the Buddha.
年末年始に行われるNataraj Spiritual Dance Festival に参加しました。全インド、全世界からダンス、メディテーションの求道者が集まってきます。朝から晩までボリウッド、インド伝統ダンス、コンタクトダンスなどジャンルごとにカリキュラムが準備されていて、最終日にチームを作ってお披露目をします。
I joined Nataraj Spiritual Dance Festival which took place from End of December 2015 to beginning of January 2016. Participants who love dance or meditation came from India and many foreign countries. Participants were offered several type of dance or mediation classes like Bollywood, India traditional dance, Contact dance all the day. Then each team shown performance at last day of Festival.
Not allowed drinking alcohols, food is only organic vegetarian, sometime need to confess abut myself during drink hot chocolate. It is totally different from may daily life as business person. Nataraj Fesitival is the best place to enjoy dances, people and location. In addition, I am really happy to keep good relationship with Nataraj friends. (There are many nice and attractive people!)